Re Argitoth
Rant On:
Frankly, I am rather disgusted with the attitude of most of the vets here.
When you go from attacking a players position, to attacking a player, I think *you're* out of line.
Its a game people.
And frankly, its posts like Args.. that challenge conventional wisdom that lets new things be discovered.
When players say things like .. 'thank god he's leaving' first I don't think it has any place in a thread; second moderators shouldn't tolerate that crap; third - how would you feel if that talk were about you.
And I'll close with the words of Donne or Locke or bacon or whoever. "Every man's death diminishes me, because I am involved with mankind, therefore, never seek to know for whom the bell tolls... it tolls for thee."
Dominions is not so big that it can afford small mindedness, nor so popular that it should drive away the unpopular.
Everyone of you, everyone of us.. has personality quirks just as onerous as Argitoths. And a little more tolerance really is the order of the day.
Rant Off.