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Old May 15th, 2008, 09:07 PM
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Default Re: Speaking of tests

chrispedersen, I do not particularly want to see Argitoth gone, but I do think he
is annoying. He is by no means one of the players with the greatest experience,
but he keeps posting about "overpowered" tactics... and the ones that he
advances as such are no more powerful than a dozen of others that he has simply
not encountered yet. Add to this the fact that he cannot be convinced that he
is wrong, and it is not surprising people get upset. Oh, and he keeps saying
that he is leaving. I'm sorry, but everyone who is too good for us and our game
is not making any friends.

On the other hand, his abrasive posts do create useful discussions. I have
learned a few things myself as a result of his proclamations. I would rather
have him around than not, but I cannot blame others for flaming him.

What I think Argitoth needs is to play a lot more, and learn that there are
hundreds of 'overpowered' tactics, and they all sort of balance each other.
Well, all but MoD which is really overpowered... Now excuse me while I go
whine and ***** somewhere where no one hears me.
No good deed goes unpunished...
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