Hmm, thanks again for your advices guys.
I return from a game as Niefel giants against my nemesis : Abysia... And this time it was an easier way. Strong bless : W9 N6 E6. I decided for E6 rather than N9 cause last time I played with them against some solid troops (and I find Abysia footmen particularly solid in EA era) Niefels get exhausted, so I wanted some reinvigoration. It worked very well despite a terrible lack of money (even with Order 3) these Giants are awesome. Due to money problem I have to wait with research a bit to build castles, but this time I planned my research carefully for spells like Rain etc.. so I didn't wasted research points like in the past.
My biggest fear was the use by Abysia of them Fire salamanders. They are not so powerful and die easily but once in contact the' re so dangerous, even for a blessed Niefel tree... I must find something better to counter them if one day I play against a human Abysian player.
Finally I dom killed them, pretty happy
I begin my next 'apprentice' game as Marverni against 2 or 3 AI - of course Ermor will be one of them... after all I live in the country of Asterix [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Barrel.gif[/img] will tell if I do full crap or not completely