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Old May 20th, 2008, 01:30 PM
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cleveland cleveland is offline
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Default Apparently that Kick isn\'t so Useless afterall ;)

Nations of Alexandria, it is with a heavy heart that I report Pangaea is in the process of being mopped-up.

Our noble crusade against Tien Chi was doomed 1/2 turn into our first major engagement, when our 1300-strong Manikin horde was stolen by a casting of Undead Mastery (though, on the bright side, this did force TC to pull the Scepter of Dark Regency off of Tartarian-summoning duty for 1 turn). Our entire regiment of combat mages was consequently summarily executed by their troops before they could act; we were totally devistated.

TC has since begun beating us senseless with our own dismembered Sleep Vines, supported of course by Falling Frosts, Fog Warriors, and a host of other devastating magiks. And Gift-of-Reasoned Chalice-healed Tartarians. And a teleporting Aegis wielding Golem. And an Air Queen. And Pale Riders. And etc.

Our insurgency campaign came to a disastrous finale this turn, when our Air Queen fell to a detachment of Frozen-Heart spamming W1 peons.

We shall continue to fight the good fight, and have a few fun tricks still hiding up our sleeve, but we must confess to that our days are unfortunately numbered. Any nation who hopes to win this game, be warned: Tien Chi won the Artifact race, and through brilliant strategy & tactics has leveraged that victory into victory over Pangaea. Develop your counters now...

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