Interesting points. I guess, the mercenary command might be a bit more difficult, depending on how this is coded exactly.
I totally supported the affliction thing, I missed this allready, too.
What do you mean with "Wither". Exactly as written (which is something new), or the "Can not leave it's home province for too long" as we know it from Naiads, etc?
I still miss the one thing I missed in creature modding from the beginning:
#cold <value> and
#heat <value>
Effect should be obviously: same as #cold and #head but not with the fixed power of 3.
And lately again
#onblessspell "<spell name>" | <spell nbr>
The linked spell will effect the creature when it is blessed. Same as the eagle warrior with fly. Might be difficult to generalise to any spell nbr, if the fly effect is a hardcoded special script.
I wish I had more insight into the source code.