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Old May 21st, 2008, 11:23 AM
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Default Re: Apparently that Kick isn\'t so Useless afterall

Zeldor said:
I would be able to defend my capitol for at least 10-20 turns and maybe do smth more. I knew I can kill practically any force that would try to storm my fort.
Nonsense. Our battle was close only because I left my troops unscripted. Unless you really think your 30 infantry + golem could have protected your banish-spam mages from 500 troops on "Attack Rear."

Zeldor said:
But game mechanics have proven to be extremely bad sometimes. Pan killed there maybe 10-20 units total and nothing important. Game punished me for having high HP elephants.
The game punished you for relying on a handful of high-quality, high-HP units; with your elephants dead, and your golem paralyzed, your side routed (rather thematically, I might add).

Your army was inarguably outmatched and SHOULD have lost. In fact, the game mechanics actually benefited you: remember, the auto-rout kicked in when your last remaining unit - a paralyzed golem - was at 2HP, thereby dissolving all of my mindless units?

Zeldor said:
If Pan did not get stealthy S mage from random event his army would be annihilated before and I would gain a lot of land in the north, which would also enable me to make better invasion on Agartha.
Wrong. Once it was clear we'd be at war, I beelined for Conj6 specifically for Specters (stealty with S randoms) to counter the very obvious Arco-Mind-Hunt-Spam. I had a stealthy S mage in every important province & army. You fell for it.
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