Actually, we did lose a province to Pangaea last turn(: So it was not all roses and wine.
In fact we have steadily lost all but 2 of the provinces we have taken from Pangaea, as our sc's have not fared well against the sleep vines of the carrion crap.
And I think Ctis, and his allies are still the most powerful block of nations, though it was Shinuyama's unopposed rise to the top of the graphs that forced Pythium to get involved in the first instance.
The bad thing about being Pythium is we are all alone(: No one likes us.
And those high hp tartarians, i just needed to get them out of my lands before they go insane. If you look closely most are blind, feebleminded, and have other afflictions.
Also, Pythium is quite nervous as there appears to be many warmongering nations surrounding us. On one turn we notice we have caelum as a neighbor, and on the next the Ryleh.
Then even the settled boundaries of the water provinces appear to have changed, unless our memory deserts us.