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Old May 21st, 2008, 01:07 PM
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Default Re: Apparently that Kick isn\'t so Useless afterall

Zeldor said:

You must be playing a different game then or opened a different game and look at a battle there

There wass nothing you could really do with your army to win that. My mages routed before anything happened to Golem. If I had no elephants Golem would stop vine men as he did after elephants were dead. And all of my mages would ba alive. Ready to massacre next army.

And you joined that game with sole purpose to be at war with me, so it was obvious there will be war
Didn't mean to light you two up again. Just posting/sharing some After Action Report stuff. I plan on posting more when the game is done. I enjoy that.

As I've said before, after the initial shock from that pivotal turn where you realize your Pretender will not ascend...
1. Mourn
2. Take a deep
3. Make yourself a Mai Tai
4. Realize you have nothing to lose by experimenting
5. Push some new buttons with what you have left and learn, learn, learn and perhaps enjoy some small victories as the candles burn low.

Remember 61 of the 62 players in the Mega game will go through these stages on Dom3 Nation death.

On another note, I currently have absolutely no idea how DC was able to research at such an astonishing pace and still have scratch to buy all those ponies (and pay for feed). I'm hoping after the game he'll share that. I am quite impressed.


PS C's Spectral tactic indeed was/is very very cool. Not sure I've seen it mentioned.
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