Agema said:
Games Workshop
E3 to find.
All units recruited in the province are double normal size and cost twice as much gold to hire. Every turn an earth mage may enter the site to randomly change rules and unit statistics in the game, and every player must pay 100gp to the site owner to find out what they are.
Oh oh oh! Don't forget that there's also a 1% chance every time you research past level one in a given research path that it halts and prevents research in that branch for the rest of the game (Here's looking at you, Dark Heresy

Wizard Tower - S4 (Only found in land provinces bordering water provinces)
Commanders recruited in this province have a 50% chance of receiving extra qualities/weapons/enhanced stats at the end of each season. 75% of these adjustments will be completely irrelevant. 25% of these will be ludicrously powerful.
Tomb of Horrors - D4
Send in commanders with a 100% chance of not coming back out.
4chan- B4
Thaumaturgy Bonus - 50
Blood Bonus - 50
Every season this province is overrun with doom horrors.
Animal troops will be struck with holy fire
Unrest never drops below 90.
Grim And Dark Future - 3D
All units in the province receive random afflictions and a permanent increase to strength and attack skill. 15% chance of commanders with astral becoming feeble-minded.
Soviet Russia - 2N
Units recruit you!