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Old May 22nd, 2008, 01:05 PM
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Default Re: Slight chance of horor mark(O really)

There are few problems with getting a new manual.

1) Shrapnel has to sell the old manuals away first. If they wait until all the games are sold, and then start printing more with the updated manuals, they'll go without any games to sell for a long time. If they announce there will soon be a version with updated manual, people won't buy the old ones away. If they don't announce it, just start printing the new ones, the people who buy the game and get the old one and then found out they would have gotten the new one if they had waited will be annoyed and probably very vocal. Anything to do with advertisement or lack of it seems to be a hot topic here.

2) It will be very expensive. The manual is by far the most expensive physical component of the game. Updating would make it even bigger, which in turn would make it even more expensive, and I doubt Shrapnel Games is willing to RISE the cost of a game that's been out for, what, two years?
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