Hold on, guys !
Searching in my screwed emails, I eventually found the attached files from llamaserver, the True Gods may bless him forever.
After several tries, I can see at least what's going on. In this case, I was wrong : it is not a bug.
The story :
I am playing EA Yomi.
turn 5 : my army had 3 commanders and the troops where under the command of a Bandit Leader - and not of the Dai Oni I was thinking about in my last posts.
Battle against barbarians : I win the battle. The Bandit Leaders retreats just at the end of the combat BUT most of his troops do not retreat. I did not saw this and did not check carefully (with the 'T' key) the status of the troops in the province before giving my orders. Shame on me
turn 6 : Seing the Bandit Leader alone in the province where he retreated, I thought he was one of my spies moving towards the indies provinces to scout them. And I just moved the 2 commanders who did not flee - but who had no troops under command - leaving behind them the troops of the coward Bandit Leader.
These 2 leaders found in the province where they were moving the few troops that retreated last turn before their commander...
That's the explanation.
Oooof... and sorry again for the erroneous statement about a bug...