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Old May 22nd, 2008, 03:44 PM

llamabeast llamabeast is offline
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Default Re: GhostBat - MA game for new players (starting)

Okay, I loaded up Drya's last turn and made the single change of switching the Harbinger's "Mists of Deception" order to "Mist". Everything else I left the same, then I rehosted.

The difference is, unsurprisingly, dramatic.

Incidentally, that was a staggering battle. When I saw Drya's lineup I thought there was no way Agartha could ever, ever win. All those kitted Archangels and even a Seraph! And all with Phoenix Pyre and reinvig. Really an incredible fight.

I hope people are happy with this resolution - I did it as fairly as I could. Sorry you've come out much worse as a result Drya.
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