Re: List of suspects is quite narrow
Actually Shinuyama is a very potent late game power. Playing Shin I won a mp game beating some excellent players playing Pythium, Ryleh, Mictlan, and Agartha(tough late as well). While it was an Epic Heroes game, Dr P killed my Epic Hero early in the game so he was not a factor.
Bane Fire can bring down the mightiest sc, and Shin alone has access to mages at every castle that can cast Bane Fire earth attacks(with boosters), ghosts riders(with boosters). Of course all mages need boosters to cast ghost riders and earth attacks.
Shin's mages are sacred, and benefit from an Earth bless, and their high hps make them immune to seeking arrow. They can spam skellies making them immune to earth attacks. And
even 1 shin mage in a province spamming magna eruption can defeat ghost riders x 2.
Shin's summons can also be quite powerful used in combination with other things.
Shin. also has one of the best pd in the game, especially above 20.
"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula."
- General George Patton Jr.