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Old May 23rd, 2008, 12:46 PM
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Default Re: Jomon advice wanted

Pablomatic said:
I've read some posts that claim MP boils down to a "rush for Tartarians." With everybody going for more or less the same spells and everybody having a Cyclops pretender or something similar, I'm not sure I'll enjoy MP as much as I had hoped. I'll try it out and see. I'd like to be the one who surprises my opponents with an effective ORIGINAL strategy. Is that a losing cause?

I don't think all mp is like that exactly. The end game (where Tartarians are) is dominated by them and certain powerful magic schools and so can be a bit samey by all accounts.

But before you get there there are many strategies and ways of playing. the different races play very differently. Some like Jomon are slow starters and therefore really need awake SC pretenders. Others want double blesses, others have the troops capable of expanding quickly anyway (Elephants, Hydras etc.)

But you do need a good start in mp. You will find some of your opponents are taking more than a province a turn in the first year. You can't afford to be taking one every two turns in those circumstances.

I highly recommend mp. I started in the new year to play mp and there are plenty of inexperienced mp people to play against. Avoid Micah he is one of the very best mp players. Look for the newbie games. You learn a lot very quickly.
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