Yeah, your mind hunts were annoying,to be sure. Are you to thank for the earth attacks as well, or was that Pangea? It did stall me a couple turns when I had to send a second wave of angels equipped with MR items to collect my leaderless devils, but mostly it just significantly increased my micro as I had to keep shuffling around blood hunters (after I figured out where the hell they died! grrrr). By that point I was summoning roughly one angel per turn with my blood economy and sending him out with the freely spawning devils. Seemed more annoying really, than effective, but who knows....I never did have a surplus of angels.
Marignon can get S2 mages with randoms, but nothing regular and I was SOOOO pinched for gold. Sitting in the mountains, boxed in by both the topography and my neighbors plus axing my income further to blood hunt, the reason I was being so non-aggressive is because I had just enough income to recruit my cheapest mage out of each of my castles (no troops!) and just enough blood income to forge about one soul contract every other turn with my pretender. My one army sat glaring at Man's big army across the border (who kicked me out of the one farmland territory near me), I couldn't move it for fear of Man invading and I couldn't attack without taking huge losses even if I won.
In all honesty I think the insanity from your dominion hurt me more than the feebleminding. My blood hunters would decide they were insane and start preaching, then the next turn when they were fine...they kept preaching rather than blood hunting until I noticed and set them back. The micro from that and replacing the ones you mind hunt was driving me nuts and I kept missing some!