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Old May 24th, 2008, 10:55 AM
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Default Re: Stinky Slimy Things

I didn't realize blood magic was so powerful that it actually lets you summon a better player!

Regardless, Pangaea welcomes you to the game, Ironhawk!

A few things, to bring you up to speed:

1) A cataclysmic collision between noble Pangaea and sinister Tien Chi is about to unfold far to your Northeast. Very far. In fact, so far that the Tien Chi's Tartarian-backed super-army couldn't possibly wheel South fast enough to stop a preemptive invasion. Just so you know.

2) Nathgul, that lovable starspawn-in-a-jar, was recently misplaced by his Tien Chi stewards. But we can rebuild him...we have the technology.

3) Pangaea is a happy land of fun and peace. Certainly not a threat to anyone.

We're all looking forward to a sound thrashing from you Ironhawk. Cheers
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