While we normally find your bits of disinformation amusing, we were a bit dismayed to read item 1 on the Pangea propaganda list, which we felt crossed the line. Should Mictlan read your suggestion of preemptive attack, see his horde of demons and decide to move them into TC with his first turn, then the game has truly been disrupted by Sifyka stepping down. This would be no better than had Mictlan gone AI as it disregards all of the strategic underpinnings that have led to the current situation. In particular, your post ignores the history that should have been told before you advised our newest player to attack me.
TC has made it no secret that we have considered Pan one of the most dangerous players going back to his very early castings of two globals and ability to generate gobs of manikins. His huge gem income has been evidenced with his ability to instantly replace a dispelled global and his suite of elemental royalty and SCs (air, fire, water, banefire kings, faery queens, vampire lords, just to name a few who we have seen). Yes TC has Tartarians though we stopped summoning them a while back - who knows what the new patch will do to them and they are not particularly effective against hordes of mannikins - just ask Chains.
We have tried to bring together some nations to help weaken Pan. Mictlan answered the call. We signed a long NAP and agreed to attack Pan’s chief ally, Utgard, so that Mictlan could eventually have a front to attack Pan (sorry Sansa - bad geogrpahy)
This has led to the current situation when Pan declared war and invaded TC in response to our war with Utgard. The Pangean attack was repelled but I believe TC is the only nation at war with Pan, and still at war with Utgard. While having Mictlan change in 1 turn from friend to enemy would certainly aid Pan’s cause, I cannot see how that sort of victory would give Pan any joy. TC doesn’t expect the new Mictlan to necessarily have the same friendship that we shared with the old Mictlan, but to suggest they attack us immediately would not be in the spirit of a good game IMHO.
The TC Ministry of Truth