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Old May 27th, 2008, 02:18 PM

Omnirizon Omnirizon is offline
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Default Re: Pangea Seems to Be Smoking Its Own Undead Weed

the Argathan urban planning board has just unanimously OK'd the erection of three grand statues to commemorate the three brave leaders who faced down, and defeated, an entire army of Hydras.

The battlefield was soaked with blood, and a Heat from the Bowels of Hell boiled an air thick of a cocktail of Foul Vapors and magical Mist. The entire Argathan army had routed and was fleeing before the foul stench of an army of Hydra's who were backed by an artillery of Serpent Priests and the King of Elemental Fire himself. Argathan soldiers had dropped like flies, only to resurrected as soulless, and fight on. Argathan commanders too succumbed to the heat and poison, but were given second life of eternal undeath. The Hydras and Pythium's artillery also began to pass out from the unbearable heat and air. When Argathan armies began to rout, the soulless commanders and soldiers did not care, and fought on. Soon both armies, the legions of Hydras and the small handful of Argathan soulless who had remained, were both passed out on the field of battle. Soon even the Argathan soulless soldiers fell before the many-headed Hydras. A mere three Argathan commanders, given everlasting undeath, remained to carry the battle. There names are Nan Bagor, Mistilo, and Zanbarth; do not forget them. All other Argathan soldiers and commanders had fled or been killed. These three, blessed of the grace of the Earthen might of Anfar, would reawaken weakly, with just enough strength to summon a few undead thralls, before passing out again. Two by two the summoned skeletons rattled up to the slumbering Hydras to hack at them with their claws and rusted blades. Eventually the Pythium commanders also succumbed to the heat; but with no undeath to return to, their bodies would only be baked to ashes under the sun. The Pythium armies became confused. "Why do three fragile soulless mage-priests stand before our might and fight on?" They asked themselves. With no leadership, and passing in and out of consciousness, and facing a mere three fragile soulless, the mighty army of Hydras and the King of Elemental Fire fled the battlefield! Nan Bagor reawoken to see them fleeing, and laughed. He laughed a deep frigid laugh, that choked past has dust filled throat and out of his now tongueless mouth; he was now mute, but he laughed anyway. He laughed for he knew that Argathan armies had just captured and secured the escape rout from this province, and that the entire army of Hydras and the King of Elemental Fire now fled to their doom. The fled before three, very brave, very undead, soulless commanders.

The statues will be erected immediately, they are to constructed of the deepest Obsidian, crafted by the finest craftmen, with eyes set of burning rubies, to symbolize the burning hatred in their hearts. A hatred that would not allow them to flee, no matter the odds. They fought on before an overwhelming army that should have smashed them; but they fought bravely and won.
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