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Old May 27th, 2008, 03:47 PM

Omnirizon Omnirizon is offline
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Default Re: Pangea Seems to Be Smoking Its Own Undead Weed

for some reason, the Rigor Mortis script never happened; that would have shortened the clock I was depending on for that battle. none-the-less, I was favored by fortune, and Pythium just couldn't quite reach the backfield and squash everyone before we all passed out from fatigue.

the unit scripted to cast Rigor Mortis skipped the Power of the Spheres that was scripted to happen first, meaning he used too many gems to be able to cast Life After Death, and didn't have enough for Rigor Mortis. I wish the game would do things in the order I tell it to. At least LAD and the other battlefield fatigue spells got off, that's what I was depending on.

I also got a few undead priest mages out of it who don't have to worry about old age and can reanimate. Bonus!!! Unfortunately they have so many afflictions as to be useless. Still fun.

and thanks for the congratulations, but I really did get lucky. About halfway through watching the replay, I was glued to the screen to see just how I managed to win. Everyone was fleeing and Pythium was still advancing; it was quite a sight to watch three commanders skelly spamming in and out of consciousness, the little skeletons walking up and getting a few hits in on an unconscious Hydra, before one awoke just long enough to kill all the skeletons, who would be resummoned a turn or two later. I can't believe I managed to win.

And a battle well fought to Pythium, we've been skirmishing around this province for a year now. They're advancing about 20 more Hydras towards this position now though, so the battle ain't over yet.
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