spacht said:
So please continue bashing in my head, don't hold back
Your tactics has been quite good, but your strategy needs some work. You put a beating on us both in some battles but didn't pursue your advantage. When you win a big victory, that's your time to get on the offensive. You should have hammered Patala when you had the chance instead of letting him regroup and attack you again and again until he gets it right. Defense doesn't win in this game.
When facing 2 opponents, you gotta knock one out early otherwise you'll eventually be ground down. I think your best strat would have been to use your big northern army to rampage through Patala's land even while losing ground to Bogarus (me). I'm not sure Patala could have stopped you and you would have all but knocked him out while I'm not sure how much you would have lost to me. Your western most fort for sure, but doubtful I could have taken your capitol in time.
This game is interesting b/c I've never played a blood nation before. Was a lark b/c I wanted to play with Babi, but the stupid mod doesn't let me have any heroes. so my luck 3, turmoil was just dumb.