Re: Nation without recruitables
Wow, somebody else actually remembers Spelljammer?!?
Witchlight Marauders were an inspiration, yes, as was Amos's Insectoids. Infact I give full credit for being a genius to Amos, for coming up with the perfectly brilliant idea of mobile creatures who transform into immobile breeders. Very good, MaxWilson! I had both of those in mind, along with the movie Akira, a mod nation that Nerfix came up with (can't recall the name right now, and I'm too lazy/sleepy to look it up), Ego, the Living Planet, a 50s b movie I also can't think of the name of, and the Lesser Key of Solomon-a 17th century book on demonology.
I think the second stage of Witchlights were the 20 foot tall pincer-hand giants...
I've got way too much stuff in my brain.
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!