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Old May 30th, 2008, 12:05 PM
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Default Re: Heroes

Xietor said:
I am trying to actually think of a strategy whereby i could survive a rush by the new ea race with their chariots. Since I can't, i may as well turn something in, or be a sacrificial goat and play Man.

Depends on your nation of course. With Man, simple lighting bolt spam should be sufficient, they don't have nearly the hp of elephants though they cost almost as much so you'll see them in similar numbers. 6-8 eagle eye buffed lightning spammers should be pretty devastating to them I'd imagine - if you're not gonna see more than about 20 of them for a rush and you can kill 3 or so per round on top of what your infantry can do and it takes them 4-5 rounds to close and fight through your PD...well, they're not gonna be too scary by the time they hit your reserves behind your PD. Tangling vines should work decently to string them out as well and let your high damage dealing troops deal with them piecemeal. Tramplers are a whole lot less effective when they don't hit in a big wall of flesh and instead each one gets surrounded.

If you stuck with Arco no worries, just a couple of your own elephants would stop them from trampling long enough for your mages to do whatever it is you have researched (lots of choices).
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