Thread: New patch
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Old May 31st, 2008, 03:24 AM
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Default Re: New patch

SelfishGene said:
I really like the Hinnom mythology. It's a cross between the Biblical antagonists of the Israelites, Vampire: The Masquerade's Antedilluvian 3rd generation fathers, and Warhammer 40k's Horus Heresy.
I'm not familiar with the Horus Mythology. The antediluvians draw heavily from biblical myth. I don't think I have actively used the masquerade as an inspirational source. I have played it and liked the vampire setting, but most of what's in there comes from the biblical/near eastern tradition. Monstrous giants that devour everything including their own offspring until killed by a great deluge, is not an invention of the masquerade.

Edit: come to think about it, the degeneration theme might be influenced by vampire, but the giants do shrink when they go from mythical time to historical time. Goliath is less mighty then the Nephilim.
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