Re: How weak is the AI... really?
It' true that AI != MP, as others have said. However, I think the AI is pretty good for SP games, in the sense that it's good at massing troops and providing a somewhat realistic opponent. No, it doesn't search for optimal strategies like a human player would, and spend a lot of time on the forums trying to refine those strategies, but from the roleplaying perspective that's fine. Look at real life--how many nations actually employ a national strategy (China) and how many enjoy the good life and flail around with one hand to try to keep the good life going (U.S. today)? The AI doesn't deal well with SCs and it tends to just throw magic items onto random commanders, but maybe those commanders don't *want* to give up their items for the "greater good." Human players ruthlessly ignore the commanders' wishes of course.
The AI is good at what it does, which is providing an opponent who tries to crush you thematically. I frequently (40%?) lose to at least one AI when I'm first starting off with a race. Part of that might be because I use Edi's Better Independents mod (some people say the AI performs better with it), but I still think it's pretty good for its purpose.
Bauchelain - "Qwik Ben iz uzin wallhax! HAX!"
Quick Ben - "lol pwned"
["Memories of Ice", by Steven Erikson. Retranslated into l33t.]