I loved MoO 1&2, but couldn't bring myself to love GalCiv. Something about it just ain't right; its close but it ain't quite there. It has polish, but it also has these superfluities and inconsistencies that I don't understand (not like X3's superfluities, but superfluities none-the-less). It also just lacks a certain appeal for me; I'm not sure what it is. I just can't quite make it work for me. The fact that on the open ship design system, none of the parts had the hardpoints perfectly centered (for example: if you placed, say, a bunch of a long straight piece together, by even the second one there is noticeable skewness) is kind of a metaphor for why this game doesn't work for me. It has a lot of great stuff, but they didn't take time to "center" it. I guess that's kind of the zen of it.
For that matter, I havn't found ANY software under stardock's label I can like. I tried really hard to, and even bought the membership for like 70 bucks, and bought four or five of their higher rated games (not including GalCiv, which I bought separately). All of them tried hard to be good, but just lack a certain something. In the end I've spent over 100 bucks at stardock, and don't like any of it. It all looks good and shiny, but none of it just works for me. In the end I'd rather have used that 100 bucks to buy several months of subscription to an MMORPG or something; at least I'd enjoy that for a little while before I got sick of it.
I loved MoM too. I know GalCiv was the spiritual successor to MoO, but I hope that whatever they come up with as their successor to MoM is better than GalCiv was for me.