Thread: OT: HOMM V
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Old June 2nd, 2008, 03:14 PM

MaxWilson MaxWilson is offline
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Default Re: OT: HOMM V


My experience with Stardock was almost exactly like yours. For all of Dom3's lack of graphical shininess, I think it's a much more complex (and fun, for me) game than GalCiv (I also spent lots of money and never really played the games I bought). I like the idea of a MoM sequel and I hope they do a good job, but I doubt I'll prefer it to Dom3.


Edit: Note to Shrapnel. I'd be glad to spend more money on Dominions stuff if there was anything to buy. Like scenarios, for instance. (Dawn of Dominions is a great one.) As is, I've bought two copies of Dominions 3 but that's it.
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