Omnirizon said:
galciv looks like a great game, but it just misses these little things, and has these little superfluities, and little inconsistencies, and they all add up to make the game experience not enjoyable at all.
Matter of opinion, I guess. I'm sure lots of people would be quick to condemn Dom3 because of its graphics -- or Nethack, for that matter, heh -- but they'd be missing out on a great game.
I already mentioned the ship design hardpoints are kind of just slapped on there, not even symmetrical.
Superficial. I don't even use the ship jewelry, to be honest... I design ships for function, not appearance. That said, some of the ships people have submitted have been quite impressive. There are also the various Star Trek mods, etc. I just wish I could use a Klingon bird of prey without triggering the metaverse cheat tags, but whatever.
also, why do the planets have little squares and I have to choose were I place buildings? it is completely irrelevant where I place them; I'd be better if they just had a skyline or something that built up as I built more stuff. It'd be a lot better looking.
It's an abstract game. Chess might be more realistic if it were taken off the 8X8 grid, too, eh? :-)
and the "tech discovery" screen is complete crap. on Alpha Centauri you got a pretty well done and witty little cut scene. A lot of AC was pretty good, with good humor, for that matter. On GalCiv you get a robot that looks evil for evil races, good for good races, and neutral for neutral races, some crappy background music, and about the gayest quip imaginable on the technology. Monkeys on typewriters could have done better.
Superficial. Don't even notice it, to be honest.
You seem hung up on the appearance, which is kind of odd given your love for Dom3. I mean, I like Dom3 too, but pretty it ain't. I'm really more interested in what's under the hood.
GalCiv nailed the elephants, but got ate by ants. They just didn't hit it right, i'm guessing the only reason it is successful is because the number of titles in outer-space 4X is countable on one hand (at least for # of titles in the last decade).
Dunno about that... it's a pretty popular game, and gets great reviews all around. It does have its flaws, though, granted, and some of them go beyond the superficial. I won't go into them here, however, since, as I said, I don't want to hijack this thread.
I do, however, want to give HOMMV another try... with the expansions this time.