Thread: OT: HOMM V
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Old June 3rd, 2008, 05:59 AM
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Default Re: OT: HOMM V

Now in H4, you had actual choices to make. There were some imbalances, but for most part both choices were viable. There were basically 3 kinds of units in H4 - shooters, melee, and flyers. For each creature level except the first you had a choice of (flyer|shooter), (flyer|melee), or (melee|shooter).
Gah, that was one of the more annoying mechanics. I'd much rather go back to the days of HoMM2 where instead of choosing which creatures you can get you chose which creatures you will use (because there just wasn't room for all of them in one hero).
And besides, that's not much choice considering that shooter>flyer>melee (though from time to time melee>flyer), and most choices were completely obvious once you knew both units.
The only thought that was put into deciding which to choose was between the cerebri and the ghosts, since the ghosts were much better, but you had to settle for the cerebri if you wanted your vampires/venom spawn quickly.
why do the planets have little squares and I have to choose were I place buildings?
A lot of the time it doesn't matter, you just choose to build something and it automatically switches to the next tile anyway. In other cases you might want to build the right building in that special tile that boosts specific buildings. (or intentionally not build the appropriate building in some cases )
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