Thread: OT: HOMM V
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Old June 3rd, 2008, 02:53 PM
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Default Re: OT: HOMM V

Fun thread. Probably more action on HOMM here than in the HOMM specific forums.

For what it's worth...

The wife and I win ~85% of our HOMM3 games with the setting on impossible (whatever they call highest). We do play with reloads though. If we didn't the odds would go down to ~50% I'd guess. Most losses occurred when a teleporter is too close to one of our starter castles and too weakly defended. We typically play against two pairs of allied computer opponents. We generally strive for the 5th level spells with dimension door being the pinnicle (town portal ranked second). As others have said.. then it is killer stacks and ambush tactics. Armageddon with fire immune troops makes for fast battles.

When we played HOMM4 the end game just took too long without those transportation spells.

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