Re: What could we steal from other fantasy games..
1st -
Assassination is almost too powerful as it is right now. Please note i said "almost".
2nd -
Retreating because of a lucky hit breaking morale is frankly the most frustrating thing in Dominions. Nothing ruins a game like a horror causing your Pretender to retreat, even if the horror can't actually beat your Pretender in combat, or your assassin just running away to his death because of a lucky shot. If it's a fight to the death, they sure don't act like they know it.
3rd -
This would probably break the Deathmatch minigame.
OTOH, i'd like to see recruitable assassins be allowed to use a few stealthy troops during the attempts as well. It would make recruitable assassins a whole lot less sucky, and give new life to marginal units like shades. Of course, as a band, they would be easier to find and kill with patrollers...(i'm not a big fan of the +10 scout stealth buff recently either).