Herode said:
Unfortunately, I can't find what are the missing dlls for you, Ich...
Okay, I took another stab at this. It turned out that the problem wasn't missing DLL files. That thing is just throwing around exceptions like crazy. And there is no failure recovery in it at all. I ran the program in Microsoft's CLR Debugger and the first thing I saw was that it tried to open the directory "\Program Files\Dominions3\savedgames\newlords". Since I don't have that directory, the execution failed. Since I didn't feel like renaming / moving my Dom3 installation folder, I hex-edited the program to point to my real game folder instead. Then I could use the program successfully. Another solution would have been to create the directory structure with empty dirs, then launch and try to use the "Change Dir" button to go to the real game dir. But that is restricted to your (localized) Program Files folder and if you abort, it crashes again. Hah! Not very user-friendly, that program.
First of all, this is no God Editor. Maybe it meant to become one, but this has only display functionality. It even is titled "Dom3 Pretender Viewer". The up/down buttons are non-functional, and from decompiling the MSIL code I could see that there is no code in it to save files. And the code to load files is kind of funny, too. Very... inventive.
Other things I learned: The programmer is named Tom, and his girlfriend is probably named Kel. Or those are siblings.
Still, this program doesn't have much more than what catgod has, besides the pretender cost calculation, and since it doesn't seem to be maintained anymore, you better use Evil Dave's catgod instead, which is still being updated (soon).