Atrocities said:
The amount of people playing SE IV has dropped off dramatically over the last two years to the point that the game is for all intents and purposes, dead.
Slanderous libel and utter gibberish, and I'll gut the scoundrels who claim it as such like the scurvy dogs they are !!!
That said, I will have to say I predicted this, and have seen a dramatic drop-off in general activity as well, CBmod not withstanding.
I've been working my a$$ off on a few shipsets, and trying my hand at a Mod as well, but it honestly seems that other than
AT or
Urendi Maleldil all the better-known personages who once contributed strongly to SE4 have left it by the wayside, except for occasional games. No one else seems to be seriously adding to or developing anything else for it.
So, to reiterate
AT question -
Why not get Aaron to release the source code for SE IV and let the modding community have at it?
AT pointed out, it can't really be making any more money. To me the only real reason for holding out at this point seems to be to prevent any possible loss of interest in SE5.