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Old June 4th, 2008, 01:31 PM
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Default Re: EA arcosephele - bless strategy?

Agema said:
Have you run the tests multiple times? Results can vary a lot from trial to trial.

In contrast, in an EA MP game I had 5 points Agarthan PD rout a force of 3 Niefel giants (N9F4?? bless), plus priest leader (Skratti?). They got lucky, nailed one Nief and injured another on the second round of melee, the giants routed off.
I think you got pretty lucky.

A N9F4 bless sounds awful though. I would definitely go some form of E9N4-6. Generally you don't even care about those giants swinging. If they can't hit the broad side of a barn, their cold aura, which stacks, kills everything around them through fatigue anyways. Honestly, what you really want to have happen is that you get swarmed by a bunch of guys in waves. They start to fatigue from the cold, and then they fatigue down to the point where they pass out. What happens then is that you have these big nasty giants, mostly surrounded by units that are asleep, and who are slowly dying to the cold aura. Then the guys who first came up to attack the giants die off, opening up a 3 unit square next to the giant which is quickly filled in.

Once this starts happening your giants are mostly immune to meele damage.

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