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Old June 4th, 2008, 04:57 PM
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Default Re: EA arcosephele - bless strategy?

Gregstrom said:
There is a bit of an issue with Greek summons, isn't there?

Satyrs and Maenads went off to form their own nation, Hydras belong to someone else, Kithaironic Lions are open access (if they're Greek - they sound like the lion Hercules killed), so are the Furies...
Most of the Greek myths have been incorporated into other nations, sure. Does this preclude Arco from summoning them? Of particular interest are things such as the gorgon and cyclops. Being able to summon versions of these creatures seems only fair, really. If they are made comparable to other higher end summons, and cost similar amounts of gems, they won't confer any distinct advantage, but would hopefully be summonable by national mages, with a bit of boosting.

Honestly, I think that's one of the things that would most improve this game, more plentiful national summons. Many of them wouldn't even need to be completely exotic, but for example Caelum could get a "Giant Ice Drake" at Conj6 that had enhanced power. Pangaea might have a "Minotaur of the Maze" who is larger, and angrier than the ones that they can recruit. Obviously it would lose some of the point if ALL of them were just bigger versions of already available creatures, but there's a lot of room for creative additions.
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