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Old June 5th, 2008, 02:39 PM

Ironhawk Ironhawk is offline
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Default Re: New semi-newbie game!

I am happy to report that the fortress of Utgard has indeed fallen. Seeing his inevitable demise, the false god of Utgard drew down a curse on all the souls in that battle, but it did little good. The brave troops of Mictlan soldiered on, hacking thier way through giants and skeletons alike.

Unfortunately, the cost for taking that fortress was high. The corpses of many bone fiends and jaguar demons are piled up against the walls of the fort. My priests tell me that it will take almost a week to clear them all away. However, its not really all that bad, because I would have executed all the jaguar demons for thier failure to fly over the wall during the battle, anyway.
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