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Old June 5th, 2008, 03:44 PM

llamabeast llamabeast is offline
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Default KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!

Okay, we are having a new thread now the game has started, the old one having reached an incredible 50 pages. The old thread is here.

First of all, things you will need. The map is here:

A brand-new, updated version of the mod is attached to this post. You don't need this if you have the old one, but if fixes a few minor issues such as the fact that four nations didn't have the proper flag.

Another piece of important info that people may or may not have seen is that there will be a reward for the winner of the Arena death match. The winner will get 1000 gold. I am thinking that 2nd place (the hero who gets the most kills) may also get a prize of 500 gold or so, but I have to discuss this with Xietor. Suggestions for scaling the arena reward through the game are also most welcome.

Right, let the game begin! Many thanks to Xietor, who has done an incredible job in organising this game. Thanks also to Dr P, who I understand did a great deal of work with the map and also helped with some modding stuff, and to the many contributors to the mod, including Zepath, Slobby, Twan and Sombre.

The players are:

EA Arcoscephale - Cor2
EA Ermor- Slobby
EA Ulm – DaveCG
EA T'ien Ch'i- AI (was Cicadian)
EA Oceania- Herode
EA Fomoria- Tyrant
EA Marverni - Griefor
EA Sauromatia - Bernardo
EA Mictlan - Meglobob
EA Lanka - Falkor
EA Abysia- Bananadine
EA Caelum - Janim
EA C'tis - Tichy
EA Agartha - nozshand
EA Tir na n'Og - Reay
EA Vanheim - Wokeye
EA Helheim - Foodstamp
EA Niefelheim - Dr. Praetorious
EA Kailasa - Hadrian_2
EA Yomi - Kristoffer O
EA Atlantis - Agema
EA R'lyeh - Zoshan
EA Hinnom - Dryaunda

MA Arcoscephale - Twan
MA Ermor - Unoptimized
MA Pythium - AI (was Yandav)
MA Ulm - Darkwind
MA Marignon - Zenzei
MA Mictlan - Sum1lost
MA T'ien Ch'i - Revolution
MA Machaka - AreaofEffect
MA Agartha - Cidi
MA Abysia - Moderation
MA Caelum - Cupido2
MA C'tis - Digress
MA Vanheim - seryozha
MA Jotunheim - BigandScary
MA Bandar Log - Atul
MA Shinuyama - Ottergreat
MA Atlantis - MrSparkle
MA R'lyeh - Salamander8
MA Oceania - Baalz
MA Eriu - Cleveland
MA Ashdod - Gregstrom

LA Bogarus -Jazzepi
LA Arcoscephale - Xietor
LA Pythium - Lingchih
LA Man - Drake49
LA Marignon - AdmiralZhao
LA Mictlan - EvilHomer
LA T'ien Ch'i - Ossa
LA Jomon - Hoplosternum
LA Agartha - Zeldor
LA Abysia - Baruk
LA Caelum - Lolomo
LA C'tis - llamabeast
LA Pangaea - Amhazair
LA Midgard - coobe
LA Utgard - DonCorazon
LA Patala - AI (was Firewalker)
LA Atlantis - Shigure
LA Gath - JimMorrison
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My mod nations: Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts
A compilation of high quality mod nations: Expanded Nations Packs
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