K said:
Sure. Regular commanders can get blood slaves, just at a very very bad rate (1-20, in my calculation). Scouts are the favored unit since 20 of them is only 400 gold.
It's actually not as difficult as you'd think to bootstrap into blood. There's two components to blood-hunting cost, the cost of the units doing the blood-hunting and the reduced income from unrest/reduced taxation. An unsuccessful bloodhunt causes d6-1 unrest, a successful one causes IIRC d(number of blood slaves found x3 plus 4) unrest. In most cases a successful bloodhunter will get 4-5 bloodslaves and cause ~10 unrest, so you can support ~3 bloodhunters in a 5000-pop province indefinitely by turning taxes down to 0. You can support 8 or 9 scouts blood-hunting (poorly) in that province. The scouts will produce only 1/6 as many blood slaves as the real blood hunters, but you can probably get enough blood slaves to forge into Bloodstones or something. I don't know if you can get enough to support Kailasa's national summons.