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Old June 5th, 2008, 11:56 PM

Carkaton Carkaton is offline
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Default Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players

My biggest screwup was my impatience. I was sending a scout to see what you had the turn before, but psycho dropped a seraph on me that casted returning after 2 turns. Unfortunately my probe commander was on the back row scripted to retreat. Which canceled his scouting attack.

So the next turn I said screw it and went head first into brick wall. Which resulted in a bunch of sauros spamming fear on undead units.

The other mistakes were having 1 too few gems for darkness(not that that would have helped), not even trying to dispel/override GoH, and didn't learn from my first mistake of putting my mages forward in hopes they'd cast on mages.

Live and learn though. Hopefully you guys learn from my mistakes.
No, not related to Carcator
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