Thread: Supply Help
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Old June 6th, 2008, 11:50 AM
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Default Re: Supply Help

kickthedead said:
Sorry for wall of text. Is there any insight anyone can share on how to keep your army supplied? Is the problem unrest in the provinces I have taken on the way?
Endoperez said:
The AI is very bad about keeping its armies from starving, so his big army is probably starving and suffering from it even worse than you.
If you're playing against only human players then you'll need to be careful marching armies into wasteland or swamp provinces. With time you'll be more accurate on what size army to send. Later in the game you can build items which provide extra supplies to the troops.

If you're playing games which include some AI opponents you should increase the supply setting to 275 or 300... otherwise the AI will be weaker. Increasing the supply setting will also keep the independents healthy if a random event drops off a batch of barbarians. A random barbarian, vampire, troglodyte, etc, evet can be good for independent provinces as it will make them stronger... unless supplies are low.
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