Thread: Supply Help
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Old June 6th, 2008, 03:10 PM
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Default Re: Supply Help

kickthedead said:
...I think I have a rather small army, the AI player has well over 250 troops in the province next too mine, and I only have about 110.

Who are you playing as? Larger troops (you can see unit size by clicking on their HP) eat more, so if you are playing a giant race for example, you may be consuming ~400 supply, and if you are in unfavorable ground, or have Death scale, or BOTH, you may only get 100-200 or in extreme cases even less supply available.

And yes, make sure you look up by the stats of the province, the last line says "Supply: XXX Supply Used: XXX", and that can tell you how far over the limit you are. Once you get the hang of it, you'll only start to starve now and then, moving into a swamp or waste. Just move back out that turn, and if they don't starve again, there's no permanent damage.
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