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Old June 6th, 2008, 04:17 PM

TheMenacer TheMenacer is offline
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Default The (not really) Official Endgame Summon Thread!

Thousands of years ago/shortly before the latest patch, there was a discussion thread regarding the nature of shattered soul for our good endgame friends, the tartarians. Inspired by the end of the thread, which became a discussion of summons to rival their use in the endgame. I think then, that it's only right that we should have a thread about exactly that. Let's talk about what would be super awesome to see as summons, national or otherwise, to, if not replace, then at least stand up to the venerable tartarian and give every nation a leg up in the end game instead of the astral/blood/death nations.

I suppose I should go first with the national summon I suggested in the original thread, an Awakened Rimtursar giant for the Neifelheim nation line. Although they don't really need any help as far as SCs go, it'd be nicely thematic to have them considering that they have the Illwinter global to herald the return of the Rimtursar, but no actual way to get their mitts on one of the giants themselves. I think it'd also be nicely thematic to give them sort of sub par stats, like possibly below human-level in all the numbers effected by cold power, but with a cold power of like 7 or 8 so that anyone wanted to use them effectively would need to have Illwinter up to keep those temperatures nice and low. Of course, with cold power like that, as long as they were in a cold-3 province, their stats would be completely insane and they'd have to have an enormous cold aura, so they'd kick all kinds of ***, making their use a careful temperature-related balancing act.

For Agartha, at least EA Agartha, I'd like to see a death summon to open up that seal that everyone's guarding and see what's back there. Considering all the umbrals hanging out around the seal, I'd imagine some kind of mega-umbral, but who knows. It'd be sort of nice if it was implied that it was casting this summon to weaken the seal and let loose whatever's back there that ultimately lead to the decline of the Pale Ones considering that the seal isn't mentioned in the descriptions of any unit of the later ages aside from the umbrals themselves. Also I think for LA Agartha a zombie Ageless Olm could make an exceptionally awesome summon.

Also, before anyone makes the brilliant point that anything here can easily be modded in, yes, that is very true, and any modder willing to take up the cause would be a hero to children everywhere.
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