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Old June 7th, 2008, 06:45 AM
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Default Re: The (not really) Official Endgame Summon Threa

Water/Earth, Construction 9 or Enchantment 8. Something equal to Machaka-only pretender Colossal Fetisch in stats, but it regenerates like the Claymen.

Or just size 4 Mechanical Man with 40 hp. Enc 0, full immunities, mindless, inanimate, mr at least 12. Weaknesses include being inanimate (Smasher) and magic being (Elf Bane) as well as armor-negating non-elemental damage. It also has no magic, so it can't self-buff, but with full immunities from the start I'm not sure if it needs anything.

Seasonal spirits. Every element can summon one. I think they'd be most easily covered by huge monsters. There's Winter Wolves, and then there's Son of Fenrer. They aren't limited by number, only by cost. Conjuration 9, level 6 in the path, 100 gems. Come with several suitable lesser creatures, like winter wolves, summer lions, green lions, spring hawks/rocs/ziz, whatever. I might do a quick mod, this is pretty simple stuff.

Nature: Look at Kithaironic Lion. 6 gems for 48 hp, prot 18, enc 1, mr 13, att 14, base def probably 12. Give it human slots, Caveman sprite and rename it Kithaironic Man and double the cost. It comes armed with a Great Club, has a bonus Great Fist attack that does few points of armor-piercing stun damage (str no added), and starts with Kithaironic Pelt, prot 10 no-slot armor, and has 50% cold and fire resist. Conjuration 8, probably, and Nature 5 I think. It's like Awaken Sleeper, but the sleeper is much older.
The Sleeper should be boosted slightly, as well. 36 hp instead of 26, enc 1 instead of 3, mapmove 4 instead of 2, and add forestsurvival, rejuvenation and sailing. Perhaps change the armor and shield into something slightly magical, like Silver Hauberk and Shield of Valor, and give him #onebattlespell Air Shield.

Or something like that.

If a size 6 Tartarian Monstrum can wear a helm than many other monster-types can be given head slot(s). Monster-types can also be given up to 4 misc slots, magical paths and good base equipment/stats/abilities at an attractive price. There are plenty of variables to adjust so they can compete.
Yeah, I had something like that in mind for the seasonal spirits. 3 misc slots, no head slots, come with lots of lesser creatures, and have 7 to 9 picks in magic, total.
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