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Old June 7th, 2008, 07:04 AM

Zeldor Zeldor is offline
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Default Re: The (not really) Official Endgame Summon Threa

I did read just the first page now, I will have to read rest later

But what we really need is:
- much more universal SC and thug summons for paths exccept death, especially nature should get something
- that mod should be expanding addon of CBM which makes normal summons better and changes some old ones
- summons should rather be expansion of what magic school is
- we also need much much more national summons, they should really make end-game different
- we need to make an increase in spell limit etc in next patch, our new moderators should do that I think with current one we'd get into problem with onebattlespell etc


Yep, I was writing about treelords in conceptual content thread. But that looks like ages from being done and Better Summons Mod seems to have more attention here. Copy of my general idea:

I would like to see about 5 levels of treelors, at 10N, 20N, 30N, 40N, 50N [all non-unique] + couple unique ones at 50-75N. Unique ones could be those that we have now but with really big buffs. Maybe with ability to use Faery Trod for free, while still being immobile...
All of them would need a lot of HP, big regen, nice reinvigoration, decent MR. On higher levels they could also get other magic picks [e.x. Swamp Treelord with water and death].
The only problem is that you wouldn't be able to set them to patrol outside fort. I guess there is no way to go around that, so price for immobiles should also reflect that.

They could surely make use of 'forest shape' mod command.

LA Agartha guide
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