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Old June 7th, 2008, 01:45 PM

MaxWilson MaxWilson is offline
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Default Re: Alchemy - Converting for Gold

JimMorrison said:
I don't see any reason to have it equal other than laziness (on my part). It just irks me that you have these gems of pure crystallized magical essence, and there aren't people just crawling out of the woodwork to give you good money for them.
Alchemy is not the same as selling on the free market. Apparently the alchemical process demands fire or earth gems and nothing else.

It would be interesting if you could research more efficient alchemical processes. What if there was an F4E4 spell at Conj-9 that cost 20 Fire gems and gave you 5000 gold?

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Quick Ben - "lol pwned"

["Memories of Ice", by Steven Erikson. Retranslated into l33t.]
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