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Old June 11th, 2008, 02:24 PM
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Endoperez Endoperez is offline
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Default Re: What generates gems?

JimMorrison said:
Quantify that please.

Late Age, all nations started with 9 provinces and had identical dominion value, probably about 6, and never conquered new provinces:

Arcos, Order 3 Misf 2 Magic 3:
turn 1: 400, +961/turn
turn 30: 27k, +920/turn, 7 gems

Man, Order 3 Luck 3 Drain 3
turn 1: 400, +959/turn
turn 30: 30k, +1064/turn, 55 gems
got Ice Sword (constr 0), Blood Stone (constr 4)

Tien Chi, Order 3 Growth 2 Misfortune 2 Magic 1
turn 1: 400, +1200/turn
turn 30: 38k, +1400/turn, 19 gems

Agartha, Or 1 Death 1 Luck 3 Magic 1
turn 1: 400, +900/turn
turn 30: 26k, +890/turn, 96 gems
got Owl Quill, Ring of Fire (both constr 2)

Source: me.
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