Thread: Endgame
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Old June 11th, 2008, 06:26 PM
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Default Re: Endgame

ahhh... good old MoM.

In SP I play medium or small maps and try to amass and outfit a couple dozen Thug/SCs. Not too much micro-mgt then. Castle seiging is a pain then though. Usually sit a couple on top and let the rest blast on. I usually learn some pretty good SC vs. chaff lessons.

Played Ea-Neif SP last night. Amazing what the big boys can do with breath of winter, reinvig,quickness and frost brands standing shoulder to shoulder. The only time I would lose one was when I forgot to script one and the tag-team would split up at battle start. The back one ,unscripted, casting leeching darkness till he fell on his giant @ss , with the front one being swarmed on four sides instead of three and no stacked chill.

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