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Old June 12th, 2008, 02:18 PM
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Default Re: OT: Malazan Book of the Fallen

Kristoffer O said:
...I also dislike fantasy dragons, including the dominions dragons . Dragons tend to be horribly unimaginative. Proud and noble!!! What a bunch of crap. THey are not even monsters enough to stay monsters. Instead every author (obviously including me) makes them human, just better, nobler and more beautifully winged than petty humans (or elves). To me, dragons symbolize everything that is bad fantasy. Ten times more then elves, dwarves and orcs. ...

Well in some conceptualizations, the purpose of taking a human form, is not some sort of utility (like better spellcasting), but rather so that they can more easily meddle in and manipulate the affairs of man. And depending on their moral alignment, they are either providing covert aid, or really just trying to mess with the silly little monkeys in between eating entire villages. I do like the view of dragons as semi-divine beings, similar to the Norse gods in temperament and power. But then, all of the pretenders in Dominions have that sort of flavor, to me. <3

But I haven't read these books, reminds me of all of my friends talking excitedly about Robert Jordan, back in the day..... They still like him, even the ones who still read the books, and admit that he has only one motive - to sell more books.
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