Re: Water Queens out of the water?
On the land front, you have other options.
Cleansing water - perfect for Ermor to cast. :-3
Rain - hardly need a water 4 caster for it, but if you have no other water mages, can be a use going against a fire heavy nation.
Finally, the one I mentioned earlier, Falling Frost. At W3 and fatigue 20, you needn't have a w4 mage cast it by any means, but it scales up in AoE as well as damage. Again, an Atlantis player would be able to tell you whether that spell is that effective with only a few very powerful mages, or whether you need critical mass.
And for Ermor, there's Grip of Winter,which stacks nicely with Rigor Mortis, except your queen's not undead, so definetly cast that, and watch her tire to death. Your opponents will appreciate it.