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Old June 14th, 2008, 05:16 AM

Omnirizon Omnirizon is offline
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Default Re: Pangea Seems to Be Smoking Its Own Undead Weed

my computer just blew its RAM as I was finishing my turn. its freaking late rite now, i'm reallly freaking tired and a little bit drunk, and not about to redo my whole freaking turn (note: please replace "freaking" with the actual F word). I'm on my laptop right now. If I get up in time, I will submit my turn, if not, then I will just stale. If you see this in time and it looks like I won't get my turn in on time, it would be nice if you could delay by a couple of hours and I will get it in asap.

on the upside, this cheap-*** RAM has been in service for several years now, I guess it is about its time. Also, I'm only assuming its the RAM. my friend blew his once and his screen went rainbow colors. mines gotten fuzzy lines all over it and just continously reboots (it makes it to the windows start-up screen, but then just reboots; it never actually loads windows). It looks kinda like my friends computer did when his RAM went out.
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