Thread: Ich's Games
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Old June 14th, 2008, 12:27 PM
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Default Re: Ich\'s Games

Hi, I made a thread on my server situation in the MP forums, and I think that this already covered everything that I can give out. But I'll repeat it here again so that the questions get answered and things cleared up, maybe:

Renojustin said:
Ich buddy, can we get some kind of ETA on when your games might be working again? There are a lot of new players involved with them and for a lot of us, this is our first MP experience. You hold our Dominions 3 in the palm of your servers!
I can't give you any ETA, as it's not up to me, I can't do anything to get the games back. I'm as helpless here now as you are. If I'd have any possible way of getting the games back then trust me, I'd be working hard on it. The players in my games always came first for me, as you should know, I've always tried to make sure that they can enjoy the game.

When I started hosting games, it was a server on a subdomain of another forum which I visit frequently. When they decided to move to Windows-based hosting, I asked here if somebody else could provide Linux-based hosting for Dom3 games for me, and Gandalf generously stepped up and offered hosting on his home servers for me. Now that PC went defunct after a year or so, and has become as unavailable to me like to everybody else. Even though I made very extensive backups of every single turn for all the games that I hosted, all of them were local, I didn't make remote backups. So I can't bring back the games from the dead unless I get the data back. As always, you don't consider to make more extensive backups until it is too late.

Renojustin said:
Is there any way we can transfer these games to other servers?
Sure, if the data is recovered and I get the game files back, then the game can be hosted again, anywhere. All the backups were on the same partition as my home dir with the Dom3 installation, though. The only game which was able to restart right away after the server went down is the Glory game. That's because they only played their first turn and thus I just turned over the pretenders to somebody else who provided hosting, and they started over from scratch. I don't suppose that you others want to do that, too.

Renojustin said:Is there anything at all to be done? Can we at least have the home address of your server guy so we can send threats and such? It's getting a little bit out of hand now. Thanks!
I'm being hosted by Gandalf Parker. I don't know his home address, but he's on this forum, you should know him. Some financial support in form of donations might help to get a new server back online. I've always wanted to start a donation thread, but I'm a little bit spiritless when it comes to formulating something like that. I think that somebody else already created a thread for this in the meantime. If not, I'll try to come up with something myself.
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